Menopause treatment Mission, TX - Balance Hormone Clinic

Introduction to Menopause and Hormone Changes

Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility. It usually occurs naturally between the ages of 45 and 55. As a woman approaches menopause, her body produces less of the key hormones estrogen and progesterone. This leads to changes in menstrual patterns along with various possible symptoms.

Common Signs and Symptoms

Many women experience symptoms related to hormonal changes during the menopausal transition. Common signs and symptoms include:

Other symptoms like headaches, joint pain, heart palpitations, and urinary issues may also occur during menopause. The severity and duration of symptoms varies significantly among women.

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Long-Term Health Risks

In addition to bothersome symptoms affecting quality of life, lowered estrogen levels after menopause pose some health risks over time. These include:

Thankfully there are many safe and effective treatment options available to help manage menopausal symptoms and reduce long-term risks.

Hormone Therapy Overview

Hormone therapy (HT) is the primary medical treatment approach for menopause. HT typically involves estrogen alone or a combination of estrogen and progesterone to replace what the ovaries no longer produce.

Goals of HT include:

There are a variety of hormone therapy preparations and delivery methods. The specific therapy is customized based on each woman's needs and health profile:

Estrogen Formulations

Progestogen Options

Bioidentical Hormones

Compounded bioidentical hormones -- including estrone, estradiol, and progesterone -- are structurally identical to the human body's hormones but manufactured in compounding pharmacies.

Androgen Therapy

Testosterone therapy may be appropriate for some women experiencing persistent low libido or low energy. Available formulations include pills, gels/creams, pellets, patches, and vaginal inserts.

Take control of your menopausal symptoms today!

Customized Menopause Treatment in Mission

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Mission, we offer specialized expertise in diagnosing and treating menopause using cutting edge testing and personalized hormone therapy protocols. Our clinic addresses hormone imbalance to help women alleviate unpleasant symptoms and reduce their risks for serious long term health issues like osteoporosis and heart disease.

Our Hormone Therapy Approach

Initial assessments include discussion of symptoms, medical history, and advanced hormone level testing to accurately identify deficiencies in hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, cortisol, and DHEA. We care about total wellbeing, so mental health is also addressed.

We develop fully customized hormone therapy plans which are continually monitored and adjusted to achieve optimal balance, symptom relief, and lasting benefits. Therapy plans often combine bioidentical estrogen and progesterone along with lifestyle recommendations for factors like nutrition, movement, and stress reduction.

Why Choose Balance Hormone Clinic for Menopause Treatment?

We are passionate about helping women learn about hormonal changes and exploring their personalized options to look and feel their best throughout the menopausal transition. You deserve to take control and lead a fulfilling vibrant life!

Contact our caring Mission clinic today to schedule your menopause treatment consultation.

Key Topics in Menopause and Hormone Therapy

There is much to understand about menopause -- from common symptoms women may experience to key aspects of hormone therapy protocols and health benefits. We will explore essential issues in detail here.

Typical Menopausal Symptoms and Their Causes

Menopause symptoms arise from complex hormonal and physiological changes as ovaries decline in function over time. Even when cycles start becoming irregular, hormones often swing wildly between high and low extremes before eventual depletion. These unpredictable fluctuations combined with estrogen withdrawal trigger common symptoms.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Hot flashes and associated sweating/flushing result from abnormal regulation of temperature control centers in the brain -- likely involving estrogen, norepinephrine and serotonin. Blood vessels dilate, heat dissipates through the skin, and sweating ensues. 75% of women have hot flashes during menopause.

Vaginal Dryness and Sexual Pain

The vaginal lining tissue requires estrogen to stay thick, elastic, lubricated and healthy. As estrogen drops, cells thin out causing irritation, dryness, inflammation, burning, itching and pain. Inflammation also leads to recurrent UTIs.

Emotional Changes: Irritability, Anxiety, Depression

Estrogen strongly influences neurotransmitters implicated in mood regulation like serotonin and endorphins. Dopamine and norepinephrine also affect emotional health and get disrupted during hormone transitions. Therapy restoring balance alleviates mood issues.

Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia, Night Waking

Falling and staying asleep requires harmony between body temperature regulation, melatonin release, and key neurotransmitters -- all under estrogen influence. Nocturnal hormone surges also commonly awaken women at night during menopause.

Other Bothersome Issues: Brain Fog, Weight Gain, Fatigue

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone all significantly impact energy levels, metabolism, and cognitive function. Imbalances lead to difficulties with memory/focus, increased belly fat, and general low vitality.

Assessing Current Hormone Levels

Since unpleasant menopausal symptoms result from declining and fluctuating hormones, accurate blood tests are needed to identify imbalances as therapy starting points. Key assessments include:

Estrogen -- low estrogen confirmed by blood tests marks menopause onset. Levels may still swing wildly before eventually dropping.

FSH -- Follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary signals ovaries to produce estrogen. High FSH indicates menopause.

Progesterone -- Drops as ovulation ends. Required to balance estrogen and prevent uterine cancer.

Testosterone -- Low testosterone contributes to low libido and vitality during menopause.

We also check thyroid function which commonly diminishes around menopause worsening fatigue and weight gain if overlooked. Identifying hormone deficiencies and excesses allows proper treatment.

Elements of Customized Hormone Therapy Programs

Each woman has unique hormone physiology, lifestyle and health goals. We personalize plans using the right combination of bioidentical hormones, doses, and delivery methods. Therapy components include:

Estrogen -- Restores levels to alleviate hot flashes, sleep disruption, vaginal atrophy, bone loss risk, and heart disease risk. Systemic estrogen is balanced by progesterone taken continuously or cyclically depending on hysterectomy status and uterine cancer risk factors.

Progesterone -- Progestins balance potentially negative impacts of estrogen on the uterus lining which could otherwise lead to endometrial hyperplasia or cancer over time. Those with intact uterus require progestogen.

Androgens -- Testosterone and/or DHEA may be incorporated for some women particularly with persistent low libido or depleted sense of vitality. Pills, gels or pellets available.

Thyroid -- Menopause frequently unmasks low thyroid function worsening fatigue and weight regulation. Synthroid or compounded thyroid is added unless TSH, T4 and T3 blood levels are ideal.

We also provide nutrition guidance and lifestyle recommendations like walking trails in Mission and nearby fitness centers supporting positive effects from hormone therapy optimization. Checkups with testing allow ongoing fine tuning for sustained symptom relief and health throughout the menopausal years and beyond.

Health and Wellness Benefits from Hormone Therapy

While alleviating unpleasant quality of life symptoms is itself an enormous gain, balancing hormones with proper oversight also provides remarkable protective health benefits over the long term. For women beginning treatment near menopause and using lowest effective hormone doses, multiple studies demonstrate robust decreased risks for:

While not without some increased health risks requiring surveillance like high blood clot risk for those already at risk, the comprehensive benefits of properly managed hormone therapy are undeniable for symptom relief, healthy aging, and disease prevention when initiated appropriately as the body first transitions into menopause.

Interesting fact

Studies have shown that regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can ease many of the common symptoms of menopause. Simple lifestyle changes like walking more or joining an exercise class may help with hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, and sleep troubles— often giving women as much relief as medical treatment options, but with little to no side effects.

Importance of Timely Menopause Diagnosis and Treatment

Around age 45-50, most women begin facing symptoms signaling the transition into menopause marked by irreversible loss of ovarian function and falling/fluctuating hormone levels. Recognizing early subtle signs allows timely assessment and initiation of hormone therapy for optimal symptom management and lasting health protections.

Perimenopause Onset Hormone Therapy Considerations

Perimenopause refers to the multi-year menopausal transition phase starting when the ovary responds less efficiently to stimulation by FSH and ending 12 months after last flow. Detecting the very first indications of hormone changes -- like slightly longer or heavier but still regular periods -- allows diagnosis of perimenopause onset.

Common early signs: - Light spotting between periods - Longer gaps between cycles >38 days apart - Heavier but regular flow

These initial menstrual changes, even with no bothersome symptoms yet present, indicate slight hormone shifts are subtly beginning. Openness to very low dose hormone therapy during early perimenopause, which lasts 3-5 years on average, aims to smooth erratic estrogen drops preventing depletion.

Need for Symptom Relief -- Don't Suffer in Silence

Many women believe putting up with menopause discomforts is unavoidable. With modern medicine we know hormonal decline does NOT have to mean suffering hot flashes, painful sex, disrupted sleep and robbed vitality. Don't remain silent! Seek proper therapy to get back quality of life through menopause and beyond.

Even for those with existing health conditions, risks of low dose hormone therapy are often outweighed by benefits of properly balancing hormones under medical oversight. Tracking progress with testing allows optimizing care.

Protecting Long Term Health: Timing Matters

In addition to feeling better day-to-day during menopause, research confirms properly managed hormone therapy -- when initiated within the first few years of final period during perimenopause or early postmenopause -- provides anti-aging effects protecting women for decades against threats like osteoporosis, heart disease and dementia.

Don't delay diagnosis of early subtle hormone changes. Schedule bloodwork and menopause symptom assessments so therapies can begin preserving health even before major discomfort drives evaluation. Living vibrantly through midlife, rather than suffering, is your right!

Take action to manage menopausal symptoms today!

Balance Hormone Clinic Menopause Clinic: Caring Trusted Specialists in Mission

The caring support team at Balance Hormone Clinic has nearly 20 years experience guiding Mission women through menopause transitions with expertise, empathy and clinical excellence. We achieve life-changing hormonal balance and wellness results -- returning quality of life and protecting long term health.

Holistic Personalized Care

Our practitioners view each woman as a whole person on her unique menopausal journey -- not merely a collection of symptoms and blood levels. After advanced assessment of genetic risks, lifestyle, emotional health, and hormones, we develop fully customized treatment plans reflecting the latest scientific evidence. Follow up fine tuning visits ensure optimal and lasting symptom relief plus disease prevention.

Broad Expertise: OBGYNs, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists

With specialized menopause sub-certification, our practitioners remain continuously updated on the latest diagnostic and treatment approaches. We collaborate consulting other disciplines like mental health professionals to address needs holistically. Our on-site compounding pharmacy creates customized bioidentical hormones not available commercially.

Mission Women Trusted Menopause Specialists

Balance Hormone Clinic upholds the highest standards of personalized clinical excellence and compassionate care. We also take pride serving our Mission neighbors as visible leaders supporting women's health outreach initiatives and partnering with other local health providers. If you or someone you love faces bothersome menopause changes, contact us today to rediscover balanced wellbeing for midlife and beyond!

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